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一定得听闻佛陀的法或佛陀亲口说的法,才能止息痛苦吗?Would a person ...end to suffering?
{返回 一问一智慧 Buddha-Dhamma for Students 文集}


15) I wish now to direct your attention to a matter in which I feel you should be particularly interested. I shall put the question,

15) “Would a person necessarily have to have heard the Buddha-Dhamma from the Buddha himself in order to be able to put an end to suffering?”


THERE HAVE BEEN some who have argued vehemently that we should have heard the Dhamma from the Buddha himself, that only then could we really understand. But the Buddha himself said that there were some who, though they had not heard the Dhamma directly from him, would still be able to walk the right path. There were some who, not having heard it from the Buddha, would nevertheless, through continuous reflection, consideration, and study, through constant observation and practice, be able to walk the right path.


So we ought to raise our hands in homage and immerse ourselves in the sincerity of the Buddha that he did not make the Dhamma his own monopoly, that he did not set himself up as indispensable.

{返回 一问一智慧 Buddha-Dhamma for Students 文集}

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