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佛陀如何描述后代的人?What did the Buddha say people would be like in succeeding ages?
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17) Now we are going to talk about people. We are going to have a closer look at ourselves.

17) “What did the Buddha say people would be like in succeeding ages?”


THERE IS A discourse in which the Buddha reproves “us people now”, meaning each new generation from the time of the Buddha until now, who “rejoice in unrighteous pleasures, are too much given to covetousness, and are leaning towards false doctrines.” They find great delight in pleasurable excitement of an unrighteous kind, that is to say, they are far too self-centred. They completely lack awareness, and thus their greed has become intense and excessive. They fall into false doctrines, because they have fallen completely under the power of the mental defilements.


The Buddha made this statement more than two thousand years ago, yet he uses the term “people of later ages”, which extends from when the Master made the observation until the present day. Here we have a duty to look at ourselves in this present age. Aren’t people in the world today taking excessive delight in unrighteous pleasures, behaving far too selfishly, and leaning towards false doctrines? Obviously people at present are very different from people at the time of the Buddha. However, if they are to live correctly according to the pattern set by the Buddha, then, although they may take some pleasure in colours, shapes, sounds, scents, and tastes, they will do so with constant mindfulness and right knowledge, and will not let greed become excessive. This means that they will not want the colours, shapes, sounds, scents, tastes, and tactile stimuli more than is necessary, not excessively.


The single word “excess”, that is to say, more than necessary, signifies the cause of all the upsets, difficulties, and troubles of the world at this time.


I have read that in Christianity a person who seeks beyond what is needed is “sinful”, is a “sinner”. One who merely seeks after more than is necessary is considered by Christian standards to be a sinner. Perhaps we don’t yet consider ourselves sinners, because we don’t care to or because we really consider ourselves not as yet excessive? Perhaps we think that there is nothing about which we are excessive? This matter can be discussed only with people who are honest with themselves.


In a very good Tibetan book of parables, all the birds assemble together. They voice their opinions and express their thoughts on the way of Dhamma practice that will bring happiness. Each variety of bird speaks its own mind. In the end, all the birds assembled resolve that, “We will not seek food in excess of what is necessary. This is the ultimate.” Finally, they request the whole gathering not to seek more food than necessary. Here the story ends.


One ought to consider that seeking more than one needs is a source of suffering and torment for oneself and a source of trouble to other people all over the world. Think it over! Leaning towards false doctrines means recognizing a thing as wrong, yet wanting that wrong thing without feeling fear or shame, because defilements preponderate and overwhelm one. A person confirmed in this way of thinking is badly fitted to Dhamma. He is by nature directly opposed to it. So if we want to be free of suffering, we must turn to Dhamma.

{返回 一问一智慧 Buddha-Dhamma for Students 文集}

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