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对某个教法,若生起是佛说或非佛说的怀疑时,我们应如何解决这个问题?If doubt...How can we settle the matter?
{返回 一问一智慧 Buddha-Dhamma for Students 文集}


16) Here is a question which asks,

16) “If doubt arises as to whether a certain teaching is the Buddha’s or not, how can we settle the matter?”


THE BUDDHA LAID down a principle for testing: examine and measure against the Suttas (discourses), compare with the Vinaya (discipline). This principle is based on not believing anything second hand and not taking anyone else as an authority. If doubt arises concerning a certain statement of some person who claims to have heard it from the Buddha or from a learned group of elders, which he says leads to the cessation of suffering, the Buddha said that it must be tested in two ways:


(1) Examine and measure it against the suttas. The suttas are a setting out of the various discourses which constitute a distinct line. If an utterance will not fit to this line, it must be discarded.


(2) Compare it with the Vinaya. The Vinaya is an exemplary model, a standard, a fixed system. If the utterance in question will not fit to the system, if it does not conform with the Vinaya, then discard it.


Don’t trust any bhikkhu, nor any section of Sangha, nor any group of elders, nor any group of learned and practised individuals who claim to have heard such and such from the Buddha. The Buddha always asked that we, before all else, raise a doubt and investigate. Then measure it against the Suttas, does it fit? Compare with the Vinaya, does it conform?


This is a means of ensuring that, though Buddhism lasts two thousand years, three thousand years, five thousand years, however many thousands or tens of thousands of years, if this principle remains in use, the religion or Dhamma-Vinaya cannot in any way become distorted or confused. So it is an extremely useful prin- ciple. It is called the Great Standard. It is a teaching of the Buddha laying down the use of testing things against the Suttas and the Vinaya. He did not mention the Abhidhamma (the last “basket” of the Pali Canon).


{返回 一问一智慧 Buddha-Dhamma for Students 文集}

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