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佛陀最常强调的教示是什么?Which aspect of the teaching...Buddha stress most of all?
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10) Now suppose you are asked by a person from another country,

10) “Which aspect of the teaching, as recorded in the Pali Texts, did the Buddha stress most of all?”


These five aggregates are impermanent and devoid of selfhood. This is the aspect of the doctrine that the Buddha stressed most of all. These five aggregates are impermanent, continually flowing, and continually changing. They are devoid of selfhood; because they are perpetually flowing, no one can consider them to be “me” or “mine”.

  五蕴无常、无我,这是在所有教义中,佛陀最常强调的部分。五蕴无常,因它们持续地流动、变迁着;五蕴无我,因它们始终迁流变化 ,任何人都不能将它们执取为“我”或“我所有”。

ANSWER ONCE AGAIN by quoting the Buddha. “The five khandhas are impermanent and not-self (anattā).” These five khandhas are the five aggregates into which an “individual” is divisible. The body aggregate is called r.pa; the aggregate of feeling, both pleasurable and painful, is called vedanā; memory and perception is called sa..ā; active thinking is called sankhāra; and the consciousness that can know this or that object by way of the six senses is vi..ā.a. Rūpa, vedanā, sa..ā, sankhāra, vi..ā.a: these five are called the five aggregates or khandhas.


I shall summarize it once again. Keep this brief statement in mind. The Buddha stressed more than any other the teaching that all things are impermanent and that nothing can be considered to be “me” or “mine”.

{返回 一问一智慧 Buddha-Dhamma for Students 文集}

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