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可以用什么比喻‘法’?To what may the Dhamma be compared?
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6) Now we may be asked next, for the sake of better understanding of the Dhamma,

6) “To what may the Dhamma be compared?”


THE BUDDHA SAID, “The Dhamma may be compared to a raft.” He used the word “raft” because in those days rafts were commonly used for crossing rivers, and this explanation of the Dharnma as a raft could be readily understood. This has a very important meaning. One should not become so attached to the Dhamma that one forgets oneself, that one becomes proud of being a teacher, a scholar, or a man of learning.


If one forgets that the Dhamma is just a raft, this danger will arise.


The Dhamma is a raft, a vehicle that will carry us across to the other bank. Having reached the further shore and gone up on land, we should not be so foolish as to carry the raft along with us.


This is meant to teach us to recognize and use the Dhamma as merely a means to an end, not to grasp at and cling to it to the point of forgetting ourselves. If we don’t recognize the true function of this raft, we may find ourselves keeping it for show or as something to quarrel over. Sometimes it is regarded as a race to be run, which is wasteful and useless.


It should be used as intended, for crossing over, for crossing the stream.


 Knowledge of Dhamma should be used to cross over beyond suffering. It should not be retained for detrimental purposes, for fighting with that sharp-edged weapon the tongue, for arguing, or as an object of ceremonial obeisance. Finally, don’t grasp at and cling to it so that, even after having reached the shore, having landed, you are not willing to leave the raft behind., but want to carry if along with you.

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 附录 结论 Conclusion
全文 标题
 第三十二课 天台宗的行证[栏目:天台宗简明教程]



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