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此刻佛陀是否存在?Does the Buddha exist at this moment or not?
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20) “Does the Buddha exist at this moment or not?”


IF WE ARE asked this question, we can answer it with this saying of the Buddha, “O ānanda, the Dhamma and the Discipline, which the Tathāgata has taught and demonstrated, let them be your teacher when I have passed away.”


Even now we are studying Dhamma and Discipline, practising Dhamma and Discipline, deriving the benefits of Dhamma and Discipline. Thus, the Teacher still exists. This stanza is well known because it was spoken by the Buddha as he was about to pass away. Please take special note that it tells us that the Teacher still exists.

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上一篇:佛陀的业止息了吗?Did the Buddha bring about the cessation of his kamma?
下一篇:哪里能找到佛陀?Where can we find the Buddha?
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