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可以去哪儿学习?可以到哪儿研究?Where can one learn, where can one study?
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5) Suppose someone from another country or religion asks you,

5) “Where can one learn, where can one study?”


WE ANSWER THIS by quoting the Buddha once again, “In this very fathom-long body together with the perceptions and the mental activities.” Learn in the human body together with perception and mental activity. This fathom-long body, being alive, is accompanied by perceptions and mental activities, all of which make up “the person”. The presence of consciousness implies the presence of perceptions, and the presence of mental activities that of knowledge and thought.


In this fathom-long body together with perceptions and mental activities the Tathāgata (the Buddha) made known the world, the origin of the world, the complete extinction of the world, and the way to practise in order to achieve the complete extinction of the world. When he spoke of the origin of the world, the complete extinction of the world, and the way of practice leading to complete extinction of the world, he meant that the whole Dhamma is to be found within the body and the mind. Learn here. Don’t learn in a school, in a cave, in a forest, on a mountain, or in a monastery. Those places are outside us.


Build a school inside, build a university within the body. Then examine, study, investigate, research, scout around, find out the truth about how the world arises, how it comes to be a source of suffering, how there may be complete extinction of the world (that is, extinction of suffering), and how to work towards attaining that complete extinction. That is, rediscover the Four Noble Truths yourself. The Enlightened One sometimes used the word “world” and sometimes the word “suffering” (dukkha).


The nature of the world, of suffering; the nature of its arising, its origin and source; the nature of its complete extinction, the cessation of suffering and the turbulent world; and the nature of the practice which leads to dukkha’s end: these can be searched for and found in this body and nowhere else. If one appears to have found it elsewhere, it can only be as an account in some book, hear- say, just words, and not the Truth itself. However, when it is looked for and found in this fathom-long body, together with this mind, then it will be the Truth.


So if asked where to learn, say, “We learn in this fathom-long body, together with perception and the mental activities.”


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