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哪里能找到佛陀?Where can we find the Buddha?
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19) “Where can we find the Buddha?”


THE BUDDHA SAID, “Any person who sees the Dhamma sees the Tathāgata. Any person who sees not the Dhamma sees not the Tathāgata. One who sees not the Dhamma, though he grasp at the robe of the Tathāgata and hold it fast, cannot be said to see the Tathāgata.” “Tathāgata” is the word generally used by the Buddha to refer to himself.


This means that the Buddha is not to be found in the outward physical body. Rather, he is to be found in that high quality in the heart of the Buddha which is called Dhamma. That is the part that must be seen before we can say that we have found the Buddha.


When we prostrate ourselves before the Buddha’s image, we dwell on the image, seeing beyond it to the physical body of the Buddha, which the image represents. Then we look beyond the physical body of the Buddha to his mind, and look beyond his mind until we penetrate to the high qualities present in his mind. We see those qualities as the pure, radiant, peaceful Dhamma, devoid of grasping and clinging, perfectly free. Then we can be said to have found the Buddha.

{返回 一问一智慧 Buddha-Dhamma for Students 文集}

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