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在家人应该学习什么?What should a lay person study?
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7) This Dhamma, which is said to resemble a raft, is just as applicable for lay people as it is for bhikkhus (monks). Suppose, then, that we are asked,

7) “What should a lay person study?”


WE SHOULD NOT waste time thinking out our own answer. If anyone wants to have his own ideas, well and good, there is nothing to stop him. But if we are to answer in accordance with what the Buddha taught, then we must say, “Lay people should study all the suttantas, that is, the discourses of the Tathāgata about su..atā (emptiness).”


These suttantas are a well-organized exposition of the teaching. They constitute a good system forming the pithy substance or heart of the teaching. This is why they are called suttanta. A sutta is a “discourse” and anta means “end”. Hence, a suttanta is a discourse that is well set out, well ordered, and the sound kernel of the subject. It is like the word vedanta. Veda is “knowledge”; vedanta is knowledge that is the pure substance of the matter, well set out and systematically arranged.


Remember this word suttanta. All the suttantas are utterances of the Tathāgata. They are what the Buddha taught and they all refer to su..atā (emptiness). In this connection, lay people ask how they are to practise Dhamma in order to achieve the most enduring benefits and happiness. The Buddha said, “The suttantas are utterances of the Tathāgata, are of great profundity, have deep significance, are the means of transcending the world, and refer to su..atā.”


This word su..atā may seem strange to you, but don’t lose heart just yet, because it happens to be the most important word in Buddhism. Please listen carefully. The word su..atā may be translated as “emptiness”. But the word “empty” has several usages and meanings. The su..atā of the Buddha does not mean physical emptiness, it is not a physical vacuum devoid of material substance. No! Here it is a case of emptiness in the sense of essential nature, because all sorts of things are still present. There can be as many objects as would fill up the whole world, but the Buddha taught that they are empty, or have the property of emptiness, because there is nothing in any of them that either is a self or belongs to a self. The aim of this is, once again, non-clinging to any thing at all.


Lay people should study in particular those sayings of the Buddha that deal with su..atā. Generally, this subject has been misunderstood as too lofty for lay people. The reason for this is simply that too few people wish to practise according to these sayings of the Buddha. So please keep clearly in mind that even a lay person must study about, practise, and then discover su..atā. It is not only for bhikkhus.


I hope, then, that you lay people will no longer be afraid of the word “su..atā” or of the subject of su..atā. Take steps to increase your knowledge and understanding of it. Su..atā is a subject requiring intricate and delicate explanation; it takes a long time. For the reason, we have discussed only the actual core of the matter, just the real essence of it and that is enough, namely, emptiness of the idea of being a self or belonging to a self. If the mind realizes that there is nothing that is a self and that there is nothing that belongs to a self, the mind is “empty” and free. “This world is empty” means just this.

  [译注一]泰国佛教界对“空”误解极深,说到“空”都无法理解。泰国的高僧从来多谈苦、无常、无我,少谈到“空”,直到佛使比丘发现经典多说“空”,佛陀甚至说:“ 一切教诲不与‘空’相应,则非佛说。”佛使尊者四十多岁就开始宣说“空”是佛陀最高的教诲,当时 一般人以为他疯了,或有人以为他不过是位“佛教学者”,只会说不会做。直到今日泰国佛教谈及“空”的著作,还是多为佛使尊者所撰,少部份弘扬空理的人,也多是曾在其门下修学的法师。


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