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佛陀教我们应该相信谁?Whom did the Buddha teach that we should believe?
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11) Now the next thing we shall examine is this:

11) “Whom did the Buddha teach that we should believe?”

  假如有人问你这个问题,那么你可在以噶拉玛经(Kalama Sutta)里找到佛陀所说的答案——要相信亲自所“看清楚”的是什么[译注一]。现在我们有必要了解“看清楚”的意义,“看清楚”意思是不需推论、不需思索、不需假设,如同我们将眼前的物体看清楚一样,只要这样做,就有效果了,这就是“看清楚”的定义,它不需要依靠任何理由或想像。

IF YOU ARE asked this, then answer with the Buddha’s advice from the Kālāma Sutta. We are to believe what we clearly see for ourselves to be the case. Now it is necessary to understand what is meant by the expression “seeing clearly”. It means seeing clearly without needing to use reasoning, without needing to speculate, without needing to make assumptions. We should see, as clearly as we see in the case of a present physical object, that, taking this and doing this, this effect is produced. This is the meaning of “seeing clearly”. There is no need to rely on reasoning or supposition.


In Buddhism, we are taught not to believe anyone, not to believe anything, without having seen clearly for ourselves that the truth in question is so.



We can see what is meant here from the following questions. Why are we warned not to believe the Tipi.aka (the Buddhist Canon)? not to believe a teacher? not to believe what is reported or rumoured? not to believe what has been reasoned out? not to believe what has been arrived at by means of logic? The principles are a help towards right understanding, because all blind credulity is foolishness.

Suppose we were to open the Tipi.aka and read some passage and then believe it without thinking, without testing it, without any critical examination. This would be foolish belief in the Tipi.aka, which the Buddha condemned. Believing what a teacher says without having used our eyes and ears, without criticizing, and without having seen for ourselves that what he says is really so, this is what is meant here by “believing a teacher”.


It is the same with believing any report or rumour that happens to arise. “Believing in what has been arrived at by way of logic” means that, having learn how to reason correctly and being experienced in reasoning we come to the conclusion that a certain proposition must be logically so. But this is still not good enough; we are not to put our trust in this sort of reasoning.

But here we must be careful and take good note that this discourse does not forbid us to read the Tipi.aka. Nor does it forbid us to consult a teacher, to listen to reports and rumours, or to use logical reasoning. Rather it means that although we may have read, listened, and heard, we should not simply accept what is offered in these ways unless we have first thought it over, considered it carefully, fathomed it out, examined fully, and seen clearly for ourselves that it really is so.


For instance, the Buddha taught that greed, anger, and delusion are the causes that give rise to suffering. If we ourselves are not yet acquainted with greed, anger, and delusion, then there is no way that we can believe this, there is no need to believe it, and to believe it would, in such a case, be foolish. But when we know ourselves what greed is like, what anger is like, and what delusion is like; and that whenever they arise in the mind, they produce suffering as if they were fires burning us; then we can believe on the basis of our own experience.


So what the Buddha taught in this connection appears in the Tipi.aka as follows. Having read or having heard something, we must investigate until we have seen clearly the fact being taught.


If still we don’t see it clearly, we must fall back on reasoning and then leave it for a while. So to start with, we shall believe and practise no more than we have seen clearly to be the case. Then gradually, we shall come to believe and see more and more clearly. This is a very popular teaching of the Buddha.


If someone from another country asks you about it, do explain it properly. If you explain it wrongly, you may misrepresent the Buddha’s teaching. Not believing the Tipi.aka, not believing the teacher, not believing reports and rumours, not believing reasoning by way of logic — these have a hidden meaning. We must search for it.


To believe straight away is foolishness. The Buddha condemned this firmly and definitely. He told us not to believe until we have put it to the test and have come to see it clearly. Then we may believe.To believe straight away is foolishness; to believe after having seen clearly is good sense.

That is the Buddhist policy on belief: not to believe stupidly, not relying only on people, text-books, conjecture, reasoning, or whatever the majority believes, but rather to believe what we see clearly for ourselves to be the case. This is how it is in Buddhism. We Buddhists make it our policy.

  [译注一]在噶拉玛经(Kalama Sutta)里佛陀说:“不可因为口口相传就信以为真;不可因为奉行传统就信以为真;不可因为轰动一时,流传广远就信以为真;不可因为引经据典就信以为真;不可因为合乎逻辑就信以为真;不可因为符合先入为主的观念就信以为真;不可因为说者的威信就信以为真;不可因为他是导师就信以为真。”

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 漫说《杂阿含》(卷二十三)~B 604经(阿育王因缘经)[栏目:界定法师]



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