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当前栏目:[一问一智慧 Buddha-Dhamma for Students]文集

 佛陀的业止息了吗?Did the Buddha bring about the cessation of his kamma? 阅读:1764
 佛陀每天安住怎样的心境中?What sort of inner life did the Buddha lead? 阅读:1818
 为什么会认为一切皆空?Why is it held that all things are empty? 阅读:1931
 什么是毕竟空?What is it when there is total emptiness? 阅读:1894
 什么是涅槃?What is nibbāna? 阅读:1913
 我们谈到人满足于涅槃,所谓‘满足’是什么?We speak of a person finding satisfaction in nibbāna. What ought we to call th… 阅读:1910
 涅槃是在死后才能证得,或在今生此地就能证得?”Is nibbāna attained after death or here is this life? 阅读:2047
 低等动物能证得涅槃吗?Can the lower animals attain nibbāna? 阅读:2212
 什么是人的至善?”What is the highest good for humanity? 阅读:2205
 现在世间是否有阿罗汉?Are there any arahants in the world at the present time 阅读:1922
 证阿罗汉容易吗?Is it difficult or easy to be an arahant? 阅读:1969
 我们能辨认出阿罗汉吗?Would we be able to recognize an arahant if we met one? 阅读:1881
 我们在什么地方可以找到阿罗汉?Where could we meet an arahant? 阅读:1819
 在家人不能成为阿罗汉,是吗?Lay people cannot be arahants, can they?” 阅读:2099
 ‘杀人凶手’才能成为阿罗汉,为什么? 阅读:2014
 世间充满着什么?What is the world full of? 阅读:1754
 哪种善行功德大?哪种善行功德小?What sort of merit has little effect and what sort great effect? 阅读:1861
 最大的功德在哪里?Where is great merit to be found? 阅读:1873
 乐土在哪里?由哪里可以进入乐土?Where is the happy state to be found? Where do we go to get happiness? 阅读:1936
 我们要对神通关心到什么程度?How far should we take interest in these things called iddhis? 阅读:1821

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