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佛陀有什么特别的教导?What did he teach in particular?
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2) Following on this we may be asked,

2) “What did he teach in particular?


A) AS YOU CAN see, this is a big subject which can be answered from many different points of view. If asked this, we can say first of all that he taught us to tread the Middle Way, to be neither too strict nor too slack, to go to neither the one extreme nor the other. On the one hand, we are to avoid the very harsh self-mortification practised in certain yoga schools, which simply creates difficulties and trouble. On the other hand, we must keep away from that way of practice which allows us sensual pleasures, which amounts to saying, “Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die!” This is an extremely cynical expression appropriate for people interested only in sensual pleasures.

By contrast, the Middle Way consists, on one hand, in not creat- ing hardships for yourself and, on the other hand, not indulging to your heart’s content in sensual pleasures. Walking the Middle Way brings about conditions which are in every way conducive to study and practice, and to success in putting an end to dukkha (suffering). The expression “Middle Way” can be applied generally in many varied situations. It can’t lead you astray. The Middle Way consists in striking the golden mean. Knowing causes, knowing effects, knowing oneself, knowing how much is enough, knowing the proper time, knowing individuals, knowing groups of people: these Seven Noble Virtues constitute walking the Middle Way. This is one way of answering the question,


B) WE COULD ANSWER it equally well by saying that he taught self- help. You all understand what self-help is; you hardly will want it explained. To put it briefly, we are not to rely on fortune and fate. We are not to rely on celestial beings, nor even, finally, on what is called “God”. We must help ourselves. To quote the Buddha, “Self is the refuge of self.” Even in theistic religions it is said that God helps only those who help themselves. In other religions this matter of self-help may be stated more or less definitely, but in Buddhism it is all important. When one is miserable and, deluded, suffering pain and anguish, then one must turn to the way of self-help. The Buddha said, “Buddhas merely point out the way. Making the effort is something that each individual must do for himself.” In other words, Buddhism teaches self-help. Let us bear this in mind.


C) ANOTHER WAY OF answering is to say the Buddha taught that everything is caused and conditioned. Everything happens in consequence of causes and conditions, and in accordance with law. This statement is like the answer received by Sariputta when, prior to his entering the Order, he questioned a bhikkhu (monk) and was told, “The Buddha teaches thus: Each thing arises from a cause. We must know the cause of that thing and the ceasing of the cause of that thing.” This principle of Dhamma is scientific in nature, and we can say that the principles of Buddhism agree with the principles of science. The Buddha did not use individuals or subjective things as criteria; that is to say, Buddhism is a religion of reason.

  (四)还有另一种可被用来实修的准则,佛陀如此教导:“诸恶莫作,众善奉行,自净其意”。这三个在一起被称为“别解脱教诫”,意指“教诫总纲”(summary of all exhortations)。“诸恶莫作、众善奉行”在此不需要诠释,但是“自净其意”的意义就不是那么一目了然了。人一旦执着任何事(甚至善事),他的心就会混乱:害怕得不到善报或担忧善报会消失,并执取一切为“我所有”,而这一切都会招致痛苦。所以,即使已成功地避免作恶事,也作了许多善事,仍必须知道如何放下。别执着任何事为“我”或“我所有”,否则它会带来悲惨的结果,成为沉重的负担和痛苦,就像背负或执着某种东西,一定会感到沉重或受苦一样。换句话说,执着善或恶和背负珍宝或岩石是一样的,虽然珍宝很有价值,但背在肩上或放在头上,是同样沉重的。因此不要背着岩石,也不要背着钻石,别把岩石或钻石放在自己的头上(译者注:在此意指心中)!不论善或恶都不要执着,就是所谓的“自净其意”。所以,“诸恶莫作,众善奉行,自净其意”,即是佛陀的教导。

D) TO ANSWER YET another way, as a rule of practice, the Buddha taught, “Avoid evil, do good, purify the mind.” Those three together are called the “Ovāda pā.imokkha”, meaning the “summary of all exhortations”. Avoid evil, do good, purify the mind. Avoiding evil and doing good need no explaining, but making the mind pure isn’t as obvious. If one goes about grasping and clinging, even to goodness, the mind develops impurities: fear of not receiving good, fear of being deprived of existing good, anxiety, worry, and attaching to this and that as “mine”. All of these produce suffering. Even though we may have successfully avoided evil and done good, we still must know how to render the mind free. Do not grasp at or cling to anything as being a self or as belonging to a self. Otherwise it will be misery, it will be a heavy burden and it will be suffering (dukkha). In other words, grasping and clinging, like carrying something along with one all the time, is a heavy weight and a burden of suffering. Even a load of precious gems carried on the shoulders or head is just as heavy as a load of rocks. So don’t carry rocks or gems (dukkha). Put them aside. Don’t let there be any weight on your head (which here means the mind). This is what is meant by “purify the mind”. So then, to purify the mind is the third thing. The first thing is to avoid evil, the second is to do good, and the third is to make the mind pure. This is what he taught.


E) HERE IS ANOTHER important teaching, a worthwhile reminder. He taught, “All compounded things (all things and all beings in this world) are perpetually flowing, forever breaking up (they are impermanent). Let all be well-equipped with heedfulness!” Please listen very carefully to these words: everything in this world is perpetually flowing, forever breaking up, that is, all is impermanent. So we have to equip ourselves well with heedfulness. Don’t go playing with these things! They will bite you. They will slap your face. They will bind and hold you fast. You will be made to sit and weep, or perhaps even to commit suicide.


Now let us bring together these various ways of answering this one question. If asked just what the Buddha taught, answer with one of the following:


He taught us to walk the Middle Way;


He taught self-help;


He taught us to be familiar with the law off causality and to adjust the causes appropirately for the desired results to follow;


He taught as the principle of practice “Avoid evil, do good, purify the mind”;


And he reminded us that all compounded things are impermanent and perpetually flowing, and that we must be well-equipped with heedfulness.


There are several different ways of answering this question. If asked what the Buddha taught, then answer in any one of these ways.

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上一篇:佛教中最简要的根本思想是什么?Put as briefly as possible, what is the basic message of Buddhism?
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 佛学基础 第六章 有情之身心 第三节 佛说三科的意趣[栏目:佛学基础]



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