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佛陀的业止息了吗?Did the Buddha bring about the cessation of his kamma?
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21) “Did the Buddha bring about the cessation of his kamma?”


IF ASKED THIS, we must be sure not to degrade the Buddha by answering carelessly or recklessly. In fact we can never really vitiate the Buddha, but our words may belittle his worth.


The Buddha must have brought about the complete cessation of his kamma because he wiped out the mental defilements, which is the meaning of “ending kamma”. He transcended every kind of kamma, and it was this very fact that made him famous, that constituted his glory.


The sage Gotama had become a sabbakammakkhaya.-patto, that is, one who has succeeded in bringing about the cessation of all his kamma. The news of this event spread through India until it reached the adherents of other sects and religions. For instance, a certain brahmin called Bavari sent sixteen disciples to the Buddha, to ask him questions and obtain knowledge from him. Others came to test him. Because of the news that the sage Gotama had become a sabbakammakkhaya.-patto, had achieved the complete cessation of his kamma, people in India at that period were full of admiration. They were overjoyed at hearing the words “sabbakammakkhaya.- patto”. It was for just this reason that people became so interested in the Buddha.

We too ought to follow the example of the Buddha and set about the task of putting an end to kamma.

  [译注一]依经集注(Suttanipata Atthakatha)所说,博学的婆罗门波婆梨(Bavari)听到佛陀的名声,派十六位上首弟子到佛陀那儿求法,他们到达后就各各发问,佛陀则一一为他们解答,全部问答内容即经集第五章彼岸道品(Parayana-vagga)。如其中有位阿耆多便问佛陀:“河流到处流,什么能防御河流?什么能遮止河流?”佛陀回答:“世界一切的瀑流,念是它们的防御,我说诸流的防护,当以智慧来遮止。”后来他们都成为佛陀的弟子。

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