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我们能辨认出阿罗汉吗?Would we be able to recognize an arahant if we met one?
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32) Here is another question:

32) “Would we be able to recognize an arahant if we met one?”


PEOPLE LIKE ASKING this very much. For instance there are some who doubt if we could recognize an arahant now living in the world. If asked whether we could recognize an arahant if one came walking along, we should consider the following. In the event that we didn’t recognize this one and never could recognize any of the them, then even arahants themselves would not be able to recognize one another as such.

  据说长老舍利弗(Elder Sariputta)不知道罗婆那跋提(Lakuntakabhaddiya)是位阿罗汉,而不断向他说法,目的是想使他证得阿罗汉。这表示舍弗并不知道罗婆那跋提是阿罗汉(泰本巴利藏第25册,175页)[译注一]。

It is said that the Elder Sariputta did not know that La- ku..akabhaddiya was an arahant, also. He carried on expounding Dhamma to him, the purpose of which was to make possible the attainment of arahantship. This shows that Sariputta did not know that Laku..akabhaddiya was an arahant.


However, if it was always the case that we did recognize an arahant as such, then even a god in the Brahma world who was himself no arahant would be able to recognize which people were arahants. He could prophesy who would die having attained nibbāna and who would die without having attained nibbāna.


Thus, if asked whether we should be able to recognize an arahant or not, we must say that we might be able to or not, depending on the circumstances. Even arahants themselves might not recognize one another as such. So we ought not to give an unqualified answer, saying that we could recognize one or that we could not, as do the teachers in temple preaching halls, who like being dogmatic about such things.


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