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证阿罗汉容易吗?Is it difficult or easy to be an arahant?
{返回 一问一智慧 Buddha-Dhamma for Students 文集}


31) The next question asks,

31) “Is it difficult or easy to be an arahant?”


ALMOST EVERYONE ANSWERS that it is extremely difficult. No one dares to think or speak of it as being easy. Here again, let us keep to the principle of not giving unqualified answers. Anyone who gives unqualified answers, saying, for example, “there is” or “there is not”, “it is easy” or “it is difficult”, is not a follower of the Buddha.


The Buddha’s principle is that of causality. If we act rightly through understanding the principle of causality, being an arahant is easy. If we go against the principle of causality, it is extremely difficult. Only because we are accustomed to the defilements does it appear difficult to become an arahant. Here we ought to bear in mind that saying of the Buddha, “If we live rightly, the world will not be empty of arahants.” This living rightly is not difficult, it is not beyond our capacity. Blockade the defilements to prevent their obtaining nourishment. If we want to kill a tiger, we could pen him in with nothing to eat, and he would die of his own accord. It would not be necessary for us to go in, confront the tiger, and let him bite and claw us. This is what is meant by saying it is not beyond our capacity. This is the technique, and it lies within our abilities.


Therefore, being an arahant will be easy or not depending on whether we use the right or the wrong methods. If we follow what the Buddha said, it is not difficult. “Live rightly and the world will not be empty of arahants.”

{返回 一问一智慧 Buddha-Dhamma for Students 文集}

上一篇:我们能辨认出阿罗汉吗?Would we be able to recognize an arahant if we met one?
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