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佛陀每天安住怎样的心境中?What sort of inner life did the Buddha lead?
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22) “What sort of inner life did the Buddha lead?”


THE BUDDHA ONCE said concerning himself, “The Tathāgata dwells in the Temple of Emptiness (su..atā-vihāra).” This “temple” is a spiritual temple, not a physical one. “Temple” (vihāra) refers to a spiritual dwelling place, that is, a state of mind. The Temple of Emptiness is an ever-present mental state devoid of any ideas of “self” or “belonging to self”. To dwell in the Temple of Emptiness is to live in full awareness that all things are devoid of selfhood. This is su..atā, emptiness, and what is called the Temple of Emptiness. The Buddha dwelt in the Temple of Emptiness, experiencing supreme bliss continuously. This is what the Master said of himself.

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上一篇:为什么会认为一切皆空?Why is it held that all things are empty?
下一篇:佛陀的业止息了吗?Did the Buddha bring about the cessation of his kamma?
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