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乐土在哪里?由哪里可以进入乐土?Where is the happy state to be found? Where do we go to get happiness?
{返回 一问一智慧 Buddha-Dhamma for Students 文集}


39) Now consider the “happy state”

39) “Where is the happy state to be found? Where do we go to get happiness?”


In the texts, there is a passage which speaks of celestial beings (devatas) dying, passing away, coming to the end of their merit, and coming to the end of their life spans. It also tells of their wishing to attain the happy state, seeking it, and wishing to know where to find it. In the end they come to the conclusion that the happy state is to be found in the realm of human beings. The celestial. beings rejoice saying, “May your wishes be fulfilled! Go to the happy state in the human realm!”


The expression “happy state in the human realm” signifies that in the human realm impermanence, unsatisfactoriness, and non-selfhood can more readily be perceived than in the celestial realm. In the human realm there are enlightened beings, there are arahants, and there are the Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha. In the celestial realm, that jungle of sensuality, there are none of these things. Thus, celestial beings come to the human realm in search of the happy state. It is ridiculous that human beings here should want to go to the celestial realm for happiness. Yet some people seek paradise, happiness in the next existence, in the realm of celestial beings. They invest in it by making merit, giving to charity, selling their houses and goods, and building things in monasteries. Where is the genuinely happy state to be found? Think it over.

{返回 一问一智慧 Buddha-Dhamma for Students 文集}

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 出三藏记集 30 比丘尼戒本所出本末序[栏目:出三藏记集·白话文]



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