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我们谈到人满足于涅槃,所谓‘满足’是什么?We speak of a person finding satisfaction in nibbāna. What ought we to call that satisfaction?
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26) “We speak of a person finding satisfaction in nibbāna. What ought we to call that satisfaction?”


WE BUDDHISTS TEACH that one ought not to go about liking and disliking, finding satisfaction in this and dissatisfaction in that. So if someone finds satisfaction in nibbāna, what are we to call that?


It has been said that satisfaction in nibbāna is Dhamma-rāga (lust for Dhamma) or Dhamma-nandi (delight in, Dhamma). On hearing this, there may be some alarm at the use of a Pali word like rāga (lust) together with the word “Dhamma”. But we must understand that the rāga in Dhamma-rāga is not the kind that desires visual objects, sounds, odours, tastes, and tactile stimuli; it is not sensual lust. It means satisfaction as intense as that which the ordinary householder finds in sensuality, but in this case the satisfaction is found in emptiness, in immortality, in nibbāna.


At the present moment we fear and hate nibbāna, and do not want to go near it. As soon as we hear the word we shake our heads. We have never had any desire for Dhamma or for nibbāna. Our desires are all directed towards sensuality: colours and shapes, sounds, odours, and tastes. To be fair to ourselves we ought to find as much satisfaction in nibbāna as we now find in colours and shapes, sounds, odours, and tastes. Then our practice towards the transcending of suffering will go ahead easily. These words “Dhamma-rāga” and “Dhamma-nandi” were used by the Buddha in this sense.

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上一篇:涅槃是在死后才能证得,或在今生此地就能证得?”Is nibbāna attained after death or here is this life?
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