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低等动物能证得涅槃吗?Can the lower animals attain nibbāna?
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28) Now to give you a clearer and deeper under- standing of this subject, we shall consider the question

28) “Can the lower animals attain nibbāna?”




IN ONE OF his discourses, the Buddha uses the words parinibbāyati and parinibbuto in reference to animals that have been trained until their self-assertiveness has been eliminated. For a dog, an elephant, a horse, or anything whatever that is trained until it is tame and no longer unruly, we can use the word parinibbuto, the same word used regarding an arahant (one who has eliminated the defilements completely). These two words are applicable to one who has put out the fires completely, a person who is completely cooled down. In the Pali language as spoken at the time of the Buddha, the word “parinibbāna” could be used in this way, also. When applied to a human being, it meant the achieving of the extinction of defilements, or arahantship (spiritual perfection). When applied to a lower animal, it meant attaining the extinction of self-assertiveness. Applied to a fire, it referred to the going out and becoming cool of the embers. In speaking of boiled or steamed rice which had been served into a bowl and had become cool, the word used was parinibbāna. It was an ordinary word, used in a general way for everyday worldly things, to indicate something become cool, something rendered harmless.

So we ought to take good advantage of nibbāna and not remain worse off than the beasts to which words like these also can be applied. Don’t put it off until death comes. That is the height of stupidity, wasting the Buddha’s invaluable gift. Let us study afresh the terms “nibbāna” and “parinibbāna” with its derivative “parinibbuto”. Then there will arise the courage and ardour for the job of penetrating to and attaining that which is called “nibbāna”. Let us not shrink back like those people who on hearing the word “nibbāna” become drowsy, apprehensive, or just bored.


I ask all of you to interest yourselves in the word “nibbāna”. The getting rid of harmful influences, even the passing of one’s youth, may be called a sort of nibbāna. Just as with animals which have been trained until their dangerous self-assertiveness has been eliminated, these are parinibbuto, that is, coolness, complete coolness. So let us be completely cool people who have nothing that can set fire to us and burn us. Let us not thoughtlessly produce heat, but rather win the prize that is nibbāna. To begin with the kind known as sandi..hika-nibbāna or di..hadhamma-nibbāna, then by degrees we can work up to the level of real nibbāna.

{返回 一问一智慧 Buddha-Dhamma for Students 文集}

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