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什么是毕竟空?What is it when there is total emptiness?
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24) “What is it when there is total emptiness?”


TOTAL EMPTINESS OR freedom is called “nibbāna” (Sanskrit, nirvāna). The condition of emptiness resulting from the complete and thorough elimination of the self-idea is nibbāna. This can be summarized by saying “Nibbāna is supreme emptiness.” It is that unique vision that transcends ordinary knowledge. We can transcend the various types of ordinary knowledge through seeing that “nibbāna is supreme emptiness.”


Nibbāna is supreme emptiness, or supreme emptiness is nibbāna. Do remember that the perfection of emptiness is what we refer to as “nibbāna”.

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上一篇:什么是涅槃?What is nibbāna?
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