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我们在什么地方可以找到阿罗汉?Where could we meet an arahant?
{返回 一问一智慧 Buddha-Dhamma for Students 文集}


33) Now the next question is:

33) “Where could we meet an arahant?”


WE MUST LOOK for an arahant in the extinction of the mental defilements. Don’t go busily searching for one in the forest, in a monastery, in a cave, on a mountain, in a village, in a city, or in a meditation centre. You can go looking for an arahant in the extinction of the defilements. Carry out whatever tests or investigations or experiments will prove to you the extinction of the defilements. If this is not possible, then there is no need to search, no need to seek. You will know for yourself, that’s all.


Where there is extinction of the defilements, there is the arahant.

{返回 一问一智慧 Buddha-Dhamma for Students 文集}

上一篇:在家人不能成为阿罗汉,是吗?Lay people cannot be arahants, can they?”
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