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 《虚云老和尚画传》序 Preface 阅读:2152
 01.观音前求子 Seeking a son before Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva 阅读:1895
 02.重修寺院桥梁 Rebuilding the temple and bridge 阅读:1794
 03.同得奇异兆 Seeing the same rare portent 阅读:1575
 04.调佐泉州职 Being transferred to assistant prefect in the Chuan Chou government 阅读:1604
 05.菩萨诞生于世 Witnessing the birth of a Bodhisattva into the world 阅读:1653
 06.孩提时期 Bringing up the child 阅读:1673
 07.兼祧娉二室 Betrothals to two girls aimed at carrying on the lineages of two families 阅读:1738
 08.巨鲸朝法驾 A huge whale yielding to the Dharma boat 阅读:1648
 09.初见佛法僧三宝 First meeting with the Triple Jewel-the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha 阅读:1721
 10.看香山传发心出家 Reading the Story of Incense Mountain and resolving to leave the home-life 阅读:1894
 11.南岳古刹进香 Offering incense in the ancient monasteries of Nan Yo 阅读:1754
 12.父命修习外道 Being ordered by his father to practice other religions 阅读:1528
 13.潜然离家不果 Attempting to leave home secretly, he was unsuccessful 阅读:1696
 14.谈法度双妻 Speaking Dharma to cross over his two wives 阅读:1625
 15.离俗偕从弟 Being accompanied by his cousin Fu Kuo, he leaves laylife behind 阅读:1589
 16.受具足宝戒 Receiving the invaluable complete precepts 阅读:1581
 17.置身岩穴潜修 Settling in a cliff cave and cultivating in seclusion 阅读:1512
 18.受命服务常住 Being ordered to serve the Eternally Dwelling 阅读:1693
 19.勤劳种菜供僧 Tirelessly laboring to raise vegetables to offer to the Sangha 阅读:1570

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