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04.调佐泉州职 Being transferred to assistant prefect in the Chuan Chou government
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Being transferred to assistant prefect in the Ch'uan Chou government

The following year, because of his outstanding achievements in government service, because he completely fulfilled his duties, because he was incorruptible and quick-witted, and because he brought happiness to the common people, the Master's father was promoted and transferred to Ch'uan Chou, where he became the assistant to the Prefect. Profoundly understanding popular sentiments, he won the hearts of the people, and instilled virtue in living beings. He influenced people so that the customs became lofty and wholesome, and tapped his strength to undertake endeavors beneficial to society. He was not fond of empty talk, and although he worked within the sphere of fame and profit, he was not in the least turned or motivated by them. He was truly a remarkable person.

The verse says:
Afloat on the sea or politics, how can it all be told?
In honor or shame, Profit or fame, he bore the shifts and
Changes at sea or in the mulberry fields - wherever he was found -
How could historical records and annals document it all?

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 《圆觉经》讲座 一[栏目:梁乃崇教授·智崇上师]



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