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15.离俗偕从弟 Being accompanied by his cousin Fu Kuo, he leaves laylife behind
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Being accompanied by his cousin Fu Kuo, he leaves laylife behind

Between the Master and his first cousin Fu Kuo was a deep bond of brotherly friendship and respect. Fu Kuo also had previously explored the Buddhadharma and had the same aspiration as the Master, so they amicably traveled the Path together. In his nineteenth year, the Master, accompanied by Fu Kuo, started the journey to Ku Shan (Drum Mountain) in Fu Chou to leave home. Before leaving, he wrote the "Ode to the Skinbag" which he left behind for the T'ien and T'an women.

The verse says:
The Buddha instructed his first cousin, crossing Ananda over.
The Master brought along Fu Kuo and ascended Ku Shan Mountain.
Although from different walks of life, they shared the same intent.
How like the courageous heroes of old was the Master Yun!

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上一篇:16.受具足宝戒 Receiving the invaluable complete precepts
下一篇:14.谈法度双妻 Speaking Dharma to cross over his two wives
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