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14.谈法度双妻 Speaking Dharma to cross over his two wives
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Speaking Dharma to cross over his two wives

When the Master arrived home, it was feared that he would again escape, so he was sent with his first cousin Fu Kuo to Ch'uan Chou. His father formally received brides from the T'ien and T'an families for the Master, and the Master's marriage was completed. The Master, however, had already realized the emptiness of form. He held no view of a self or of others and had not the slightest thought of desire. He was clear of mind and pure in body. Therefore, although they dwelt together, he remained undefiled. Moreover, the Master extensively explained the Buddhadharma for the two women so that they became disciples of the Buddha.

The verse says:
In living and dwelling together, he complied with the vulgar world,
But with single-minded, lone intent, he sought enlightenment.
Since there was no defilement, his wives were pure companions;
Both in the world and beyond it, he was a Master Tamer.

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上一篇:15.离俗偕从弟 Being accompanied by his cousin Fu Kuo, he leaves laylife behind
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