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10.看香山传发心出家 Reading the Story of Incense Mountain and resolving to leave the home-life
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Reading the Story of Incense Mountain and resolving to leave the home-life

The storerooms of the Master's house were full of very old books. Looking them over, he found a volume called the Story of Incense Mountain, which described the life of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva (Kuan Yin). Upon reading it, he was deeply influenced and was determined to go forth from home in the future to cultivate the Way. He did not long for the honor of the Purple Cord (of an official), nor did he wish to have a red door indicative of wealth. He decided that a life of simplicity would exemplify his resolution to practice pure and lofty ideals.

The verse says:
Resolving his thoughts on the Bodhi mind, he understood what is basic.
This ideal he firmly embraced, beyond the rise of galaxies.
Now there is a sequel to the Story of Incense Mountain,
By which others will be inspired to seek sagehood in the future.

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上一篇:11.南岳古刹进香 Offering incense in the ancient monasteries of Nan Yo
下一篇:09.初见佛法僧三宝 First meeting with the Triple Jewel-the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha
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 126.拒挂单宿戏台下 Bowing, being refused l..
 17.置身岩穴潜修 Settling in a cliff cave ..
 89.鸡足山拜迦叶 Bowing to Mahakasyapa in ..
 06.孩提时期 Bringing up the child
 12.父命修习外道 Being ordered by his fath..
 200.世界和平大法会 Hosting a Great Dharma ..
 40.扬州高旻寺跑香 Walking and sitting medi..
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