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18.受命服务常住 Being ordered to serve the Eternally Dwelling
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Being ordered to serve the Eternally Dwelling

When the Master was twenty-three years of age, he had completed three years of bowing the repentance ceremony. One day a Sangha member came and said, "Your father has resigned his post because of his age and has returned home. The Venerable Master Miao Lien applauds your austerities and determination on the Path of cultivation. However, he says one must have both wisdom and blessings and one must understand phenomena as well as noumena. On one hand, bowing the repentance ceremony as you have done leads to wisdom, but on the other, you should attain blessings by undertaking the responsibility of serving those of the monastery, that is, of benefitting everyone and the Triple Jewel."

The verse says:
The Eternally Dwelling of the ten directions is the honorable Triple Jewel.
Performing his duties for the sake of all, he always did his best.
The Master cultivated both blessings and wisdom, enriching the self-nature.
Where worthy sages dwell is called a Buddhist monastery.

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上一篇:19.勤劳种菜供僧 Tirelessly laboring to raise vegetables to offer to the Sangha
下一篇:17.置身岩穴潜修 Settling in a cliff cave and cultivating in seclusion
 51.来自五台回长安去 Returning from Wu Tai t..
 198.抵京驻锡广济寺 Arriving at the capital..
 04.调佐泉州职 Being transferred to assis..
 30.朝南海普陀山 Making a pilgrimage to Pu..
 170.赴香港传鼓山 Going to Hong Kong and K..
 81.蜀道崎岖难行 Traversing the rugged roa..
 174.老龙神受宝戒 Transmitting the jeweled..
 89.鸡足山拜迦叶 Bowing to Mahakasyapa in ..
 68.官人代送衣单 An official offering to t..
 148.老栗树开昙花 Witnessing Udumbara flow..
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