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01.观音前求子 Seeking a son before Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva
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Seeking a son before Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva

The Venerable Master Yun's lay name was Hsiao. His ancestors, who came from Lan Ling  (Fragrant hills ), were descendents of Liang Dynasty Emperor Wu, and had for generations dwelt at Hsiang-hsiang in Human province. His father's name was Yu T'ang and his mother was the Yen of the family. In the first year of the Tao Kuang reign period of the Ch'ing Dynasty (A.D. 1821), His father entered in to public service as a K'e Chu ( a grade in the Governmental Examination system) and became a public official in Fukien Province. When he was past forty years of age, he was still without a son. This grieved him and his wife, so with sincere words and sorrowful hearts, they offered incense and sought a son before the Avalokiteshvara Shrine in an ancient temple outside the city.

The verse says:
Amassing merit, establishment virtue, a wholesome seed was planted.
Sincere in heart, they sought a son and bowed to compassionate one.
Ten thousand anxious thoughts were stilled and only one remained.
Single mindedly unconfused, they effected a response.

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上一篇:02.重修寺院桥梁 Rebuilding the temple and bridge
下一篇:《虚云老和尚画传》序 Preface
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 20.行堂 Serving as attendant of the h..
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