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12.父命修习外道 Being ordered by his father to practice other religions
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Being ordered by his father to practice other religions

In the third year of the Hsien Feng reign period (1854), when the Master was fourteen, his father, hoping to prevent him from leaving the home-life, engaged a Taoist sorcerer to tutor him at home in the devices of alchemy, exhalation and inhalation. From that time on, he was prevented from leaving the home-life. However, the Master's innate Selective Dharma Eye would not let him be content with this situation. He saw that the externalist teaching was inferior to Buddhism's great renunciation and wished no part of it. He thought the externalist teaching was about as effective as scratching an itch through one's boot. But the Master was sincerely filial and didn't disobey his father's commands. He remained tolerant and compromising.

The verse says:
Three thousand extraneous doors reveal their special skills.
Ninety-six other religions display their wonderful metaphysics.
Who would have guessed that the Master had the Selective Dharma Eye,
And so could distinguish clearly right from wrong, improper from correct.

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上一篇:13.潜然离家不果 Attempting to leave home secretly, he was unsuccessful
下一篇:11.南岳古刹进香 Offering incense in the ancient monasteries of Nan Yo
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 136.王公宰官护法 Receiving protection for..
 149.续慧命传佛戒 Furthering the life of w..
 109.登泰山观天下 Climbing Mount Tai and o..
 159.冤魂索命报仇 An avenging spirit deman..
 155.夜受教日自新 Having received the teac..
 56.对座谈心叙旧 Chatting about old times..
 135.一同进京请愿 Arriving in the capital ..
 53.恢复精神再拜香 Regaining his essential ..
 66.拒绝与欢迎者 First being rejected and ..
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