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03.同得奇异兆 Seeing the same rare portent
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Seeing the same rare portent

One day, Mr. and Mrs. Yu T'ang were pleased to see that the construction of the temple and the bridge had been completed according to design. That evening they both dreamt of a dark robed, long-bearded sagely cultivator, who , astride a tiger and with Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva atop his head, pounced upon the bed. Startled awake. They recounted their experience to each other. Afterwards, Mrs. Yu T'ang was pregnant. They happily recited the Buddha, and drew near Good ad Wise Advisors. Leaving evil dharmas far behind, they engaged in charitable deeds without weariness.

The verse says:
Astride a tiger, entering the womb, came one seldom found in the world.
Manifesting atop his head was the compassionate hero's form.
Enlightening five kinds of fellow-beings with ever-advancing vigor.
He went everywhere saving those with sentence, and never stopped to rest.

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下一篇:02.重修寺院桥梁 Rebuilding the temple and bridge
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