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09.初见佛法僧三宝 First meeting with the Triple Jewel-the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha
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First meeting with the Triple Jewel —
the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha

When the Master was thirteen, his grandmother Chou died and he accompanied his father to escort the coffin back to Hsiang-hsiang County for burial. The Sangha was invited to perform Buddhist rites. Upon first seeing an image of the Buddha, the Master immediately bowed; the sight of the Sutras elated him and when he met the Sangha, he acted with deference. He tried each of the ceremonial instruments and did not want to stop playing them. It was as if he had suddenly come to an understanding, and yet he himself did not appear to be aware of it.

The verse says:
Eternal words and filial thoughts are transmitted from past to present.
He carefully performed ancestral rites, sincerely repaying compassion.
Relying upon samadhi's power of aiding and maintaining,
Offenses as numerous as Ganges sands were completely wiped away.

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上一篇:10.看香山传发心出家 Reading the Story of Incense Mountain and resolving to leave the home-life
下一篇:08.巨鲸朝法驾 A huge whale yielding to the Dharma boat
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 漫说《杂阿含》(卷十四)~E 第347经(须深经)[栏目:界定法师]



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