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16.受具足宝戒 Receiving the invaluable complete precepts
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Receiving the invaluable complete precepts

Upon reaching Yung Ch'uan (Bubbling Spring) Monastery on Ku Mountain, he bowed to the High Master Ch'ang K'ai (Eternally Open) as his teacher under whom he donned the monastic robes and shaved his head. He received the complete Bhikshu precepts under the auspices of the Venerable Master Miao Lien (Wonderful Lotus) and was given the names Yen Ch'e (Extensive Penetration) and Ku Yen (Ancient Cave) as well as the designation Te Ch'ing (Pure Virtue). After leaving the home-life and receiving the precepts. he withdrew and began cultivating in seclusion. He exhaustively investigated the principles of the Shastra entitled The Arising of Faith in the Mahayana as well as various Sutras, trying to select and embody their essential points.

The verse says:
He received the precepts and immediately entered the position of all the Buddhas.
Maintaining the precepts purely and clearly, just like the round full moon,
His karmas of body, mouth, and mind were free from flaw or blemish.
Who else besides our Master Yun is able to be like that?

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上一篇:17.置身岩穴潜修 Settling in a cliff cave and cultivating in seclusion
下一篇:15.离俗偕从弟 Being accompanied by his cousin Fu Kuo, he leaves laylife behind
 134.回国挽救寺难 Returning to China to sa..
 177.人受戒虎皈依 Giving precepts to peopl..
 115.戒台寺礼飞钵祖塔 Paying his respects to..
 80.终南山大茅蓬 Staying in the large that..
 86.过喜马拉雅山 Crossing the Himalayas..
 69.营长恭迎于白云 Being respectfully recei..
 71.文殊化身文吉 Realising that Wen Chi is..
 199.代全国接受三宝 Accepting three gifts o..
 206.示现病相卧吉祥 Becoming ill and assumi..
 82.四川各名胜古刹 Visiting the famous site..
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