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02.重修寺院桥梁 Rebuilding the temple and bridge
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Rebuilding the temple and bridge

After Mr. and Mrs. Hsiao prayed and made vows in their worship of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshavara, they looked around the temple at the Buddha images. They saw that the main temple was ruined and useless; the tiles were broken and the walls had fallen over. Water from leaks sweat down the faces and bodies of the holy images, doing damage. Because this greatly troubled them, they resolved to repair the temple. They also saw that the Eastern Bridge of Yung Ch'un Chou had fallen into disrepair over the years. Those who used it were worried and wary of its danger. Thereupon Mr. and Mrs. Yu T'ang hired workmen to reconstruct and restore the temple and bridge.

The verse says:
Build up blessings, build up wisdom by building temples and shrines.
Build the way, build up virtue by building bridges, too.
Building causes builds effects. Build it within yourself.
Build the wholesome, build humaneness, build up your self-reliance.

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