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真贼 Real Burglar
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Real Burglar


A distraught nun reported to me that her place had been burglarized. Seeing her gloomy face, I tried to figure out a way to solve her immediate living problems and at the same time comfort her with lighter topics.


I told her: To possess one thing is to invite one problem. To live in a bare house or to own nothing is not necessarily a bad thing. These I say from my personal experience, not because it’s always easy to say something when it’s another person’s headache.


I remember once someone from abroad gave me a piece of exquisite fabric. Thereafter, whenever I saw this beautifully wrapped gift on the table, I would waste time thinking how to make the best use of it. This went on for a long time until the day it fell into the hand of a thief; oddly enough, I felt relieved when I saw the bare table.


Not too long ago, my place was jammed up by all kinds of stuff and the clutter made it very difficult to search for information or look for items. I then gave away books and daily necessities that were not needed for the time being. Thereafter, my room became clean and tidy; I let out a deep sigh of relief.


For now, the burglar has on his initiative assumed the responsibility of tidying up the house. We ought to feel grateful.


Yet there is another very crafty burglar that we should really watch out for at all times; do not leave him any way to enter. This dangerous burglar is none other than the great thief of defiled emotions.


Ordinary thieves seize only petty items and bring us merely temporary inconveniences in daily living. The thief of afflictive emotions, on the other hand, has his avaricious and menacing eyes on our ultimate bliss of liberation. He will steal from us the wisdom sword; he will blindfold us and throw us into the pit of samsara…. His evils are just too numerous to count.


Normally, we feel so upset that we gnash our teeth at the burglars who have stolen our possessions, yet we neglect to see the thief of destructive emotions right under our nose. Which one of them brings the greater damage? If we get the answer right, we will guard against the real thief alertly with eyes wide open.


21st of July, Year of RenWu
August 29, 2002

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