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蜘蛛 A Spider
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A Spider


Having just started from my sleep, I recalled Mipham Rinpoche’s teaching in Praise of Light Offering to Manjusri that to offer light to Bodhisattva Manjusri’s image is very meritorious. I immediately lit the extinguished butter lamps. As I was ready to read Journal of a Dream Trip to Ming Shan, I saw suddenly a big-bellied spider trying very hard to crawl up the wall.


There are two kinds of spiders that I know of; one commonly seen in summertime is the more crafty “summer spider” that builds its web around the corner and then waits patiently for its prey to get caught in the web. The other is the non-carnivorous “autumn spider” that feeds on soil and feces and is duller compared to its summer cousin. My visitor was of the second type.


I decided to poke a little fun at this tiny fellow: “Hey you, old spider! You seem so busy, but what for? It’s about time you think of impermanence. Autumn is closing in and frost is out there on the ground. Although it is sort of warm inside the house, the days of your life are numbered. The Lord of Death will soon fetch you; why are you still so unworried?”


Hearing me, the old spider stopped, raised its head high, and sneered at me: “There you are, the pretentious practitioner. How nicely you are always talking! Why don’t you take a good look at yourself instead? You are greying at the temples and your teeth are coming loose. How many seasons have you watched the geese flying to the south? How many times has the warm spring water turned icy cold to your touch? Yet you have not practiced seriously at all. Now, shall I say you are excelling in your practice on impermanence?


Feeling touchy, I rebuked: “Now you are saying all this rubbish! Look at your potbelly, what have you looted to fill it to the brim? Buddy, you are fully equipped with greed, hatred, and ignorance, what are you being so pompous about?” “Fine, I do have a big belly. But in it are only dirt and feces, not like you guys hoarding people’s offerings or money for the dead. You don’t even bother to make proper dedications; it is your appetite that is the bottomless pit!”


Its spiky argument left me speechless and ashamed; I could only relieve my embarrassment with a chuckle. A tiny creature it might be, yet it was by no means dim-witted, and it was perhaps more clear-minded than those self-proclaimed wise guys.


Utterly deflated, I tried to put an end to my predicament and said pretentiously: “Since you are born a tiny creature, I don’t know how to help you. Why not let me recite the Buddhas’ names for you? Just hearing them brings tremendous merit, so listen carefully. In the Nirvana Sutra it says: ‘There are four direct causes to attain nirvana: one, keep company with virtuous friends; two, listen to the Dharma carefully; three, recall and contemplate on them; four, put them into practice.’”


Hearing my words, the spider no longer acted naughty. Instead it emitted a long faint wail and positioned itself tightly against the wall, as if getting ready to listen with all ears and to express gratitude. I then recited for it the names of Ushnisha Buddh, Shakyamuni Buddha, and other Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Finally the spider, seeming very pleased and having rested a while, continued crawling slowly up the wall.

22nd of July, Year of RenWu
August 30, 2002


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