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美观 Good Looking
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Good Looking


Vain people usually place great importance on outward appearances. They will dress up in showy outfits and adorn themselves with jewels lavishly. Fully intoxicated with self-admiration and self-infatuation, they crave others’ attention and often leave no chance of appreciating inner beauty.


An Indian practitioner knows too well this sentiment: When I was young, I had an obnoxious bad habit of loving to wear very expensive clothes. I used to spend tremendous amounts of money and time shopping for fashionable fabrics and would have tailors make stylish outfits. I would then saunter through the streets flaunting my suits with matching ties in order to court women’s favor.


The other students complained about me to our teacher who seemingly had turned a deaf ear to their criticism. This went on for five years. On occasion the teacher appeared to hint something by saying, “Your taste is not elegant enough.” I would object in all self-righteousness and answered: “But this is made from top-quality textiles!”


Until one day I did not deck myself out and went to see my teacher in plain pajamas. Contrary to his usual manner, he kept on praising my new appearance, “You look so wonderful!” His words woke me from my delusion, and I came to see that exquisite and expensive garments do not equate to beauty. From then on I dropped my craving for wearing only high-end outfits and I began concentrating on my mind’s purification.


My teacher, through such skillful means, made me eventually realize that worldly adornment is really worthless. The most valuable and lasting adornment is the beautification of the heart.


Lions and leopards are noted for their hunting prowess; the legendary phoenix is admired for its lovely and harmonious songs. In defining beauty, each person has his or her own likings. But for a spiritual seeker, the utmost beauty is the genuine, uncontrived bodhichitta.


A common saying goes, “Clothes make the man, and trappings make the horse.” Judging people by what they wear rather than by what they are has been a common habit, in ancient as well as modern times. But if a person mistakes this for a maxim, he will reduce himself to a slave of fashion and clothes. Spiritual practitioners should unsubscribe from this deep-rooted and irrational notion and, in plain and unadorned exteriors, advance on the road leading to the kingdom of liberation. Do not become an apple of Sodom that is fair on the outside but rotten on the inside. A contented mind is a perpetual feast; what we already have—simple food, simple drink, and simple clothes—are sufficient and good enough for us.


3rd of July, Year of RenWu
August 11, 2002

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