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羚羊 Tibetan Antelope
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Tibetan Antelope


I heard this news on the radio: A Shahtoosh shawl made from the down hair of Tibetan antelopes is worth from $100,000 up to a few times over in the Italian fashion market. This news is sure to quicken the heartbeats of bloodthirsty merchants and I worry very much that with the lure of high profits, people will be brazen enough to defy regulations and provide illicit services. Regardless of how the law forbids illegal killing and hunting, the Tibetan antelopes, I am afraid, will eventually meet their doom, the fate of being slaughtered.


Over the vast and peaceful plains in northern Tibet, these antelopes have been living harmoniously with human beings; for many generations they have been worry-free and lived their full lifespan. When all of a sudden such a disaster befalls them, they are completely at a loss. How can these gentle and frail antelopes fight against humans who carry guns and other weapons?


Just imagine such a scene: The wounded Tibetan antelope, lying on the field and with few remaining breaths, sadly looks at the prairie with blurry vision and bids its last farewell to the setting sun. Surrounding their prey are the poachers who congratulate themselves in uproarious fits of laughter over the big money on the way to them. It is in such immense pain and aversion that the antelopes perish and wander into bardo, the intermediate state, while the grimaces and laughter of the perpetrators linger forever in their grieving souls.


Behind high fashion lay huge piles of skulls of Tibetan antelopes and around every shahtoosh shawl lingers the antelopes’ unsettling souls. How can those who sell or buy the shawls have no inkling at all? How can they not feel appalled and terrified when wearing such a shawl? Can they ever maintain an easy conscience?


Sonam Dargye, an animal rights advocate for Tibetan antelopes, was murdered. Yet little do the murderers know that in what they considered a feat, they have also killed their own conscience; they have destroyed their present and future lives, and they have eradicated their chance to attain liberation.


The plight of Tibetan antelopes is only a tiny chapter in the whole history of human cruelty, but if this kind of savage behavior is allowed to perpetuate or become more prevalent, the destruction of our Mother Earth will happen in the blink of an eye. How many people care if Tibetan antelopes or other endangered animals will face extinction very soon?


“Though the mills of Justice grind slowly, yet they grind exceeding small.” Sentient beings are perpetually cycling in the six realms, constantly changing from one form to the other. Who can say for sure that an animal rebirth is not the next destination? Who can ever defy the effect of positive and negative actions? When humans stop at nothing to satisfy the demand of a sumptuous lifestyle, there is no escape from having to pay a huge price.


But there is some consolation that people are becoming aware of the issue of animal rights and animal protection. England’s Prince Charles, an avid hunter, caused a media uproar in the West when he was photographed killing wild goose; this episode also dampened somewhat the abrasive arrogance of hunters.


I look forward to seeing the grazing prairie of northern Tibet populated again with its native antelope, and I hope this earnest wish is not just a fool’s dream of paradise.


19th of July, Year of RenWu
August 27, 2002

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