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诱惑 Lures and Temptations
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Lures and Temptations


Demons usually appear as angelic apparitions. People tend to fall prey to their temptations before realizing it, but by then it’s too late to go back.


There are many demons trying to woo practitioners, such as the lure of money and of fame. When we let down our guard, they insidiously worm their way in and morph into obstacles to our spiritual growth.


The Kadampas often described themselves as foxes, the demons of fame and wealth as hunter and hunting net. The hunter sets tempting lures in the net, and the fox, its mouth salivating from the appetizing smell of the bait, walks right into the trap and becomes ensnared beyond help.


Similarly, tempted by money and possessions, practitioners walk into the trap set by the Mara—the city. Sooner or later they are taken prisoners by the eight worldly concerns and reduced to being their slaves, constantly subject to their masters’ bitter beatings and subjugation.


Once in India a teacher bade his student repeatedly to stay away from the three worst things: money, woman, and fame. When the student took leave, he remembered his teacher’s instruction well and took strict precautions against external intrusions. One day he found some money by the riverbank and had a wild thought: It would be wonderful if he could use the money to build a monastery. He began to look for contractors and in the process encountered numerous hardships to the extent that he almost lost his life. He then dropped his project of building a monastery, as it did not pan out from the start.


Later, a woman came into his life. First, she offered him a kitten and, as the kitten needed milk, she added the gift of a cow. Then, to help herd the cow the woman stayed over at his place, and they became husband and wife and had children. By the time the student realized he was sinking deep into the trap of the world and had long walked in the wrong direction away from the Dharma, it was far too late to turn back.


An adage goes:
Illusory fame and flimsy prosperity are more seductive than wine alone,
They make the mind dead drunk and incapable of awakening.


Woman, especially, is a poisonous wine in an exquisitely gift-wrapped exterior. Except for sages, ordinary people in general are incapable of resisting her temptations. In the same way, big cities nowadays are rife with lures set by hunters; once a person falls into the trap, there is little hope to extricate oneself.


5th of July, Year of RenWu
August 13, 2002

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