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见师 Beholding the Guru
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见师 Beholding the Guru


When we behold our teachers with delight or when we feel tremendous joy upon hearing their names, we are creating great virtues. Constant remembrance of our teachers naturally enhances our confidence in the Buddhist path. Having visions of the guru, the Buddha, or Bodhisattvas in dreams or in meditation is a sign that the disciple has established an unshakable faith in the Dharma. Similarly, only a person with uncontrived faith will be convinced that nothing other than the Dharma can truly benefit the self and others.


An authentic teacher is a Bodhisattva who has generated the relative bodhichitta of intention and application at the minimum. To look at such a Bodhisattva, whether with faith or covetousness, creates immense merit all the same. The Sutra of the Seal of Entering into Certainty and Uncertainty says, “Suppose all beings in 10 directions had their eyes gouged out and someone managed to restore them all, or suppose all beings in 10 directions were incarcerated in dungeons and someone managed to release them all and establish them in the happiness of Chakravartin or Mighty Brahma, the merit of all this is still countlessly less than that generated when a son or daughter of spiritual heritage looks at and offers praise to a sublime Bodhisattva of the Great Vehicle with faith and devotion.” The Sage Ratnakūṭa Sutra describes an episode: “A daughter of a merchant, Chengyi Chok, was seized with blazing lust when she caught sight of Bodhisattva Gaje, so much so that she died on the spot, yet she was reborn in the Heaven of the Thirty-Three.”


In the Sutra of One Hundred Stories on Karmas, a story is told: “A young Brahmin aroused great joy when he looked at the Buddha; due to this merit, he was spared from rebirth in the lower realms for 13 kalpas and was reborn as gods for 13 kalpas, enjoying all the well-being and happiness. Eventually he was born as a human and became a monk; through training on the Thirty-Seven Elements of Enlightenment, he attained the level of Pretyekabuddhas.”


Hence, even arousing the emotion of craving toward spiritual teachers, the embodiment of Three Jewels, results in considerable merit. What needs to be said if we behold or make offerings to them with deep devotion?


A spiritual teacher leads us on the path free from all sufferings; he or she is the boat that takes us toward the shore of liberation and is the source of all happiness. Always look at or remember your teachers with joy, whether you are happy or sad; you will be filled to the brim with the nectar of blessings unceasingly.


14th of July, Year of RenWu
August 21, 2002

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