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 编者序言 Editor’s Foreword 阅读:1546
 摩罗迦子经讲记 A Discourse on the Mālukyaputta Sutta 引言 Introduction 阅读:1873
 警醒 Vigilant 阅读:1614
 精勤 Strenuous 阅读:1526
 四正勤 Four Right Exertions 阅读:1829
 专念 With Single Purpose 阅读:1563
 佛陀的告诫 The Buddha’s Admonition 阅读:1788
 见色之前 Sights Not Seen Before 阅读:1500
 Anitthigandha Kumāra的故事 The Story of Anitthigandha Kumāra 阅读:1596
 摩罗迦子的回答 Mālukyaputta’s Answer 阅读:1529
 眼门心路过程 The Stream of Eye-consciousness 阅读:1580
 耳门心路过程 The Stream of Ear-consciousness 阅读:1536
 看到究竟法 Seeing Abstract Reality 阅读:1484
 从眼门到意门 From Eye-door to Mind-door 阅读:1741
 概念认识的产生 The Birth of Conceptual Knowledge 阅读:1645
 Potthila长老 The Elder Potthila 阅读:1547
 捕获正确的瞬间 Seize the Right Moment 阅读:1566
 回答一个质疑 Answering a Critic 阅读:1419
 观照听到,等等 Meditating on Hearing, etc 阅读:1541
 观智的利益 The Benefits of Insight Knowledge 阅读:1567

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