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精勤 Strenuous
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The text also uses the word ‘ātāpī’ the root of which means to heat up. When one is enthusiastic, ātāpī may be said to be at work. Heat causes the evaporation of moisture. Enthusiasm causes the evaporation of all mental defilements (kilesā), as flies do not hover around a piece of red-hot iron. When enthusiasm is weak, defilements gain entry into the heart via the six sense-doors and torment ordinary people who fail to note the arising and passing away of all conditioned things. Defilements find no foothold in the mind of a vigilant meditator. In the texts, a defiled mind is compared to a wet, sappy stick. When meditation is practised with the utmost zeal and enthusiasm, defilements evaporate from one’s mind, leaving it absolutely dry and pure.

经文也使用了词汇‘ātāpī’。该词的词根表示加热。当一个人是热诚的,就可以说ātāpī 正在工作。热导致潮气蒸发。热诚导致所有心的烦恼(kilesā)蒸发掉,就像苍蝇不会盘旋于又红又热的烙铁周围。如果热诚变得虚弱,烦恼就通过六根门获得入口进入内心,折磨那些忘记观照一切有为法的生和灭的凡人。烦恼在精勤的禅修者的内心找不到立足处。经文中,烦恼的心比喻为潮湿多液的树枝。尽最大的热心和热诚来练习禅修时,烦恼就从禅修者心中蒸发掉,让心保持干燥和纯净。

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