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观智的利益 The Benefits of Insight Knowledge
{返回 摩罗迦子经讲记·马哈希西亚多 文集}

The Benefits of Insight Knowledge


 “Mālukyaputta” If, when you see, you just see it; when you hear, you just hear it; when you think, you just think it; when you know, you just know it, then you will realise that the sense-objects you perceive have nothing to do with you.”


This means that in no way can you get involved with the sense-objects that you perceive. You are completely free from the lust, anger, and delusion that those sense-objects usually arouse. When you fail to stop short at seeing, hearing, etc., your mind will cling to those passions, and whenever you recall those sense-objects they will again arouse lust, anger, and delusion.


Those who fail to note seeing, hearing, etc., get emotionally involved with the sights, sounds, etc., with which they come into contact. Those who have developed insight knowledge of dissolution through the practice of meditation realise the constant dissolution of both the sense-objects and the mind that knows them, and they are able to grasp the significance of the three characteristics.


Since sense-objects fail to generate defilements in the meditator, there is no reason for the meditator to recall them, and so defilements are discarded. The inclination to defilements caused by sense-objects is called ārammanānusaya.


The Commentaries urge meditators to give unwholesome impulsions a wide berth. In fact, abandoning such impulsions come naturally to the diligent meditator, who requires no special effort to shun evil. When insight knowledge becomes keen, impulsions fail to arise because the stream of consciousness stops at determining. So the flow of consciousness subsides at determining, before impulsion begins to operate.


The Buddha continued: “Mālukyaputta! When you have nothing to do with the sense-objects that you perceive, you will get no foothold on them.”


{返回 摩罗迦子经讲记·马哈希西亚多 文集}

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 维摩诘所说经白话解 香积佛品第十 第四十二章 此土菩萨功德[栏目:维摩诘所说经白话解]



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