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从眼门到意门 From Eye-door to Mind-door
{返回 摩罗迦子经讲记·马哈希西亚多 文集}

From Eye-door to Mind-door


It is no easy matter to stop short at just seeing. A beginner will not be able to catch the thought moments that make up the process of seeing. Being unable to stay with the phenomenon instantaneously as it arises, he or she has to consider the object appearing in the mind’s eye as if really wanting to know it. Whatever passes through the mind-door usually needs to be identified, but the beginner finds it difficult to adjust eye-consciousness to the object seen in his efforts to identify it, so has to rely on mind-consciousness to do some thinking regarding the visible object. The thought process relating to mind-consciousness is as follows.


First mind-door adverting arises, prompting seven thought moments of impulsion that report the findings to two moments of registering. Thus there are ten thought moments in this part of the process. However, if the sense-object creates only a weak impression, impulsion vibrates for less than seven moments, and mind consciousness may be cut off after only five or six impulsions. When eye-consciousness has done its job, mind-consciousness takes over, but it is still unable to distinguish the visible object as male or female. At this stage knowledge is still at the stage of ultimate realities(paramattha), as with the preceding eye-consciousness.


However, note one difference here: whereas eye-consciousness cognises the visible object of the present moment, mind-consciousness cognises it as it recedes into the past. Mind-consciousness has to recall the past image as previously seen by eye-consciousness. Even so, the image is still an ultimate reality. It is, therefore, extremely difficult for the beginner to note the visible object as it passes to the first thought process of mind consciousness.


{返回 摩罗迦子经讲记·马哈希西亚多 文集}

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