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专念 With Single Purpose
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With Single Purpose


‘Pahitatto’ is usually rendered as ‘with a mind dispatched to nibbāna.’ Taking it literally, some postulate that there is no need to practise meditation once one has dispatched the mind towards nibbāna. This is contrary to the teaching in the texts. What the word means is that one should exert in the practice regardless of life and limb, fixing one’s mind firmly on attaining the path, its fruition, and nibbāna. This agrees with the Commentary on the Sīlakkhandha Sutta, which deals with the subject of mental culture.

‘Pahitatto’通常描述为 ‘具有派遣往涅槃的心’ 。有人望文生义,主张一旦决心走入涅槃,就没必要修习禅修。这和经文中的教导相违。该词的意思是,应该不顾及生命和危险地竭力禅修,稳固地把心固定为获得道、果和涅槃。这个观点和Sīlakkhandha 经中的注释一致。该经谈及禅修的问题。

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