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摩罗迦子经讲记 A Discourse on the Mālukyaputta Sutta 引言 Introduction
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A Discourse on the Mālukyaputta Sutta




The Mālukyaputta Sutta gives us the fundamental knowledge about the principles of insight meditation (vipassanā). It is found in the Samyuttanikāya of the Sutta Pitaka, and the twenty verses it contains can also be found in the Vīsatinipāta of the Theragāthā. It was given by the Buddha to Bhikkhu Mālukyaputta, at his request. He was the son of a female devotee by the name of Mālukyā, or Mālunkyā according to the Sri Lankan edition of the texts. His request to the Buddha was as follows:

摩罗迦子(Mālukyaputta)经带给我们关于内观(vipassanā) 禅修原则的基础知识。该经位于经藏的相应部,同时该经含有的那二十条经句在小部长老偈(Theragāthā)的第二十偈集(Vīsatinipāta)中也能找到。它是佛陀应比库摩罗迦子的请求而开示的。摩罗迦子是女居士摩罗迦(Mālukyā)的儿子,或者依据斯里兰卡版本的经文,他母亲名字是Mālunkyā。他如此请求佛陀:

“Sādhu me bhante bhagavā samkhittena dhammam desetu, yamaham bhagavato dhammam sutvā eko vūpakattho appamatto ātāpī pahitatto vihareyyan”ti.

“Venerable sir, it would be good if you would teach me the Dhamma in brief. Having heard the essence of Dhamma, I will practise it in solitude, abiding vigilant, strenuous, and with single purpose.”


In effect, Mālukyaputta was asking the Buddha to prescribe a subject of meditation, which he wanted to practise in the right way at a quiet place. Solitude is essential for meditation, as it is an aid to concentration, which may be disturbed if one lives with others. However, if one cannot get it, one should mind one’s own business while others mind theirs. In such circumstances one should not speak, nor even look at others to see what they are doing, focusing one’s mind fully on the Dhamma.


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