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看到究竟法 Seeing Abstract Reality
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Seeing Abstract Reality


When the thought moments of eye-consciousness, eye-door adverting, receiving, investigating, determining, impulsion, and registering have all played their part in the process of seeing, the abstract reality of the form and shape of the sense-object (or sense impression) become manifest. Until now the subject who sees has not paid attention to concepts like masculinity or femininity. At this point, unwholesome impulsion may perhaps occur, but as it is weak it is unable to produce a strong reaction, so any result of unwholesome impulsion will not be too bad. Therefore, at this initial stage when the reaction has not yet gathered momentum, you can note the object just as you see it. Next you will experience the abstract reality of both the subject that sees as well as the object that is seen. The subject is, of course, mind (nāma) and the object is matter (rūpa). So you have now come face to face with nāmarūpa as ultimate realities (paramattha). Still, you have not considered whether the object you are looking at is a man or a woman, which means you have not yet gained conceptual knowledge of the object seen. So at this stage, although you see something, you can leave it as it is, as you have not started thinking. This agrees with the statement, “When you see, just see it.”


(译注1. 此句英文原文是:the abstract reality of the form and shape of the sense-object (or sense impressions) becomes manifest。本人对此处“shape、形状”有疑问,按照本人理解,此阶段还不会有“形状”出现。英文经常使用两个并列短语的形式,两个短语间起到互相解释的作用。由此,本人认为,“形状”和“印象”两词同义,并不是指一般人理解的“外形、形状, 形态”这个意思。)

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