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佛陀的告诫 The Buddha’s Admonition
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The Buddha’s Admonition


The Buddha replied to Mālukyaputta as follows:


“Then what shall I say to other bhikkhus when you are making such a request? You are old, having reached the latter part of your life. Even so you ask for just the gist of the Dhamma from me.”


These words of the Buddha can be taken as both reproach and approval. The old monk had not striven for the Dhamma while young. Only when he already had one foot in the grave did he speak of abiding in the Dhamma. Taken in that light, Buddha’s admonition might be a reproach. However, Mālukyaputta was determined to live the life of a recluse in spite of his advanced years. What would young bhikkhus say to this? They should certainly want to emulate him. In this context it may be interpreted that the Buddha was full of praise for him. If youngsters see old people striving hard for the realisation of the Dhamma, they should try to follow suit.


Since Mālukyaputta repeated his request, the Blessed One taught him the fundamentals of insight meditation by posing a series of questions to reveal the method of insight.


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