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警醒 Vigilant
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The word ‘appamatto’ in the text means ‘vigilant.’ This is also vital. In this meditation centre, the meditators are usually vigilant, never forgetting that they are striving for the realisation of the Dhamma. When they see an object, they note it with vigilance. When they hear, smell, taste, touch, or think, they are mindful of hearing, smelling, tasting, touching, or thinking. The slightest action or movement does not go unnoticed or unobserved. They keep their minds alert, never allowing heedlessness to get the better of them. 

经文中的‘appamatto’ 意思是 ‘警醒’ 。这同样至关重要。在这个禅修中心,禅修者们是时刻警醒的,从未忘记他们正在不断努力地去了知法。看到一个对象,他们警醒地注意它。听到、嗅到、尝到、触到或想到,他们正念于听到、嗅到、尝到、触到或想到。最细微的动作或移动也不会不被注意或不被觉知地溜走。他们的心保持警觉,绝不允许失念战胜他们。

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