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当前栏目:[百喻经 The Hundred Parables Sutra]文集

 百喻经 41 毘舍闍鬼喻 Pishacha Ghosts 阅读:1912
 百喻经 42 估客驼死喻 The Trader and the Dead Camel 阅读:2052
 百喻经 43 磨大石喻 Grinding a Large Stone 阅读:1750
 百喻经 44 欲食半饼喻 Eating Half a Cake 阅读:1901
 百喻经 45 奴守门喻 The Slave Guarding the Door 阅读:1890
 百喻经 46 偷犁牛喻 Stealing a Yak 阅读:1963
 百喻经 47 贫人能作鸳鸯呜喻 The Poor Man Who Feigned the Crow of a Mandarin Duck 阅读:1871
 百喻经 48 野干为折树枝所打喻 The Jackal Hit by a Snapped Twig 阅读:1859
 百喻经 49 小儿争分别毛喻 Two Young Boys’ Argument over Feathers 阅读:1882
 百喻经 50 医治脊偻喻 Curing a Hunchback 阅读:1887
 百喻经 51 五人买婢共使作喻 A Maid Servant and Five Masters 阅读:1768
 百喻经 52 伎儿作乐喻 The Musician 阅读:1727
 百喻经 53 师患脚付二弟子喻 The Master’s Hurting Legs and His Two disciples 阅读:1759
 百喻经 54 蛇头尾共争在前喻 The Snake Whose Head and Tail Had an Argument 阅读:1769
 百喻经 55 愿为王剃须喻 The King’s Barber 阅读:1914
 百喻经 56 索无物喻 To Ask For Nothing 阅读:1763
 百喻经 57 蹋长者口喻 Putting His Foot In the Elder’s Mouth 阅读:1789
 百喻经 58 二子分财喻 Two Sons Share Their Inheritance 阅读:2068

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