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百喻经 45 奴守门喻 The Slave Guarding the Door
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45 The Slave Guarding the Door


Once a man was about to go on a long trip. He instructed his slave, “Watch the door carefully, and keep an eye on the donkey and the rope.”

After the houseowner left, the neighbor started to play music, which attracted the slave. He attached the rope to the door and put it on the donkey’s back, and went over to the neighbor’s to listen to the music. After the slave left, the house was robbed by thieves.

On his return the master asked the slave, “Where is my wealth?” The slave answered, “You entrusted me with the door, donkey, and rope. I know nothing about the rest.”

The master further questioned him, “The whole purpose of your watching the door was to watch over my property. Now that the property is stolen, of what use is the door?”

Foolish people undergoing birth and death, acting as slaves to love, are the same way. The Thus Come One teaches them to always guard the gates of their sense faculties, not to become distracted by the six defiling objects, and to watch over the donkey of ignorance and the rope of love. And yet the Bhikshus do not follow the Buddha’s instructions. Greedy for benefit and offerings, they feign the appearance of purity as they sit in meditation, and yet their minds are racing greedily after the five desires. They are confused by sights, sounds, smells, and tastes. Ignorance covers over their minds and they are fettered by the rope of love. As a result, the wealth of proper mindfulness, thoughts of enlightenment and the shares of the Path are all lost.












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